Email, [email protected]
Lewis College Grants
- The Lewis College Non-Tenure Track Faculty Intramural Grant Program Announcement
- The Lewis College TT/T Faculty Intramural Grant Announcement
- The Lewis College External Grant Proposal Resubmission Award
- Lewis College Internal Grant Budget Development Guidelines
- The Lewis College Foundation Award
Lewis College Research Awards
- Early Career Investigator of the Year
- Outstanding Research Mentor
- Mid-Career Award for Contribution to Health Science
- Senior Researcher Award for Contribution to Health Science
- Research Awards Nomination Cover Page
GSU Internal Grants
External Grants
- Foundation Center Grant Opportunities
- Funding Databases and External Funding Agencies
- Funding Opportunities (updated monthly)
- NIH Early-Stage and New Investigator Policies
- NIH Funding Opportunities and Notices
- NSF Foundation Funding Opportunities
- HRSA Funding Opportunities
- RWJF Funding Opportunities
Frequently Asked Questions
You should contact your Department Chair and Lynn Rhodes, Grants and Contracts Officer for the College of Nursing and Health Professions.
You should email the program announcement to your Department Chair and Lynn Rhodes, Grants and Contracts Officer for the College of Nursing and Health Professions as soon as you decide to submit.
Include as much of the agency-required paperwork as possible. Be sure to include the final budget, final budget justification, Sponsored Programs Proposal Approval Form, statement of work/specific aims and agency guidelines.
-Assist in identifying funding sources
-Provide history of proposal submissions
-Submit request for eRA Commons registration
-Email faculty list of internal and agency documents needed for submissions
-Assist in interpreting agency guidelines and documents needed for submissions
-Offer consultations about all aspects of proposal preparations
-Develop and/or assist with agency budgets
-Develop and/or assist with budget justifications
-Gather subcontract information included with proposal submissions
-Assistance with formatting bio-sketches
-Provide templates for facilities and other resources
-Complete federal and non-federal applications and forms and attach final PDFs
-Complete and submit electronic routing forms
-Review proposals to ensure they are in accordance with GSU and funding agency guidelines
-Make sure proposals receive required campus approvals
Once the proposal is approved, the Principal Investigator will receive an e-mail from OSPA staff requesting the PI’s approval to submit or informing the PI that their proposal has been approved for submission along with any documents needed from OSPA.
OSPA will email the PI a Notice of Award (NOA) once the award or fully executed agreement is received from the agency and has been reviewed and entered into the system.
Contact Lynn Rhodes, Grants and Contracts Officer for the College of Nursing and Health Professions for financial support and the contact information for the person responsible for ordering supplies.
The PI should schedule an appointment to discuss project closeout with Lynn Rhodes, Grants and Contracts Officer for the College of Nursing and Health Professions.
Research Resources
- Proposal-Writing Resources (access to boilerplates, templates, sample funded proposal, etc.) a
- Research Safety Regulations and Instructions for Compliance Approvals (main menu drop-down)
- Research Technology Support and Resources (Qualtrics and REDcap)
- Technology Commercialization Resources
- Core Facilities at GSU and Other Local Institutions for Research (main menu drop-down)
Contact Us
Urban Life Building
[email protected]
Mailing Address
Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions
P.O. Box 3995
Atlanta, GA 30302-3995