*this online form is not permitted for undergraduate students; only Lewis graduate students may use this form*
If you are in an undergraduate program, do not complete this form. Go here instead: Repeat-to-Replace – Office of the Registrar (
A Lewis graduate student may request to have a grade excluded from GPA computation under the following conditions:
- The grade received in the course a student wants to replace is lower than a B. Grades of A, A-, B+, and B cannot be repeated for replacement.
- Before requesting to apply the repeat-to-replace policy, a student must have retaken the same course in the same department at Georgia State and earned a higher grade in the course retaken.
- No more than a total of two course grades (from two different courses) may be replaced and excluded from the student’s graduate GPA (i.e., maximum of two repeat to replace opportunities across all graduate coursework)
- A student may request repeat-to-replace for a course repeated during the intended semester of graduation. Requests must be submitted before the end of the second week of classes.
- Once a request has been approved the request cannot be revoked or reversed.
- Only one attempt to repeat the course is permitted.
- Only grades that are part of a student’s institutional GPA may be replaced. For example, Ws, Ss, and Us cannot be replaced.
- This policy does not apply if the original grade was assigned as a result of a violation of the Academic Honesty policy. (The University maintains internal records of violations of the Academic Honesty policy. In addition, in some cases, violations of the Academic Honesty policy are noted on the transcript. Whether the violation is recorded internally or on the transcript, a student may not replace a grade that was awarded as a result of a violation of the Academic Honesty policy.)
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Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions
P.O. Box 3995
Atlanta, GA 30302-3995