What does it cost?

Check out our cost calculator or visit student financial services for information on estimated costs.

How long will it take?

30 semester hours. A full-time student can complete the program within one year or three consecutive semesters. A part-time student will take longer.

Where will I take classes?

All required classes to earn a degree can be completed online.

Application Deadlines View Admissions Requirements

  • Fall: March 15
  • Spring: October 15
  • Summer: Not applicable

Dental Hygiene, B.S.

Talk to an enrollment coach
[email protected]

Talk to a faculty member
Michelle Boyce
[email protected]

The Georgia State online dental hygiene bachelor of science degree program is for registered dental hygienists who already have an associate degree. This online bachelor’s completion program will help you advance in the profession by giving you the education you need to move into other roles, such as: providing clinical instruction for future hygienists, attending graduate school or moving to roles outside of clinical practice.

As the first tier-one research university in the Atlanta metro to offer an R.D.H. to B.S degree completion program, we are ready to help you succeed. Georgia State is nationally recognized for our student success initiatives and helping students like you advance in your profession is part of our core mission.

The online B.S. in Dental Hygiene includes 10 courses to provide coursework necessary to enable graduates to advance to more marketable positions in the profession. All courses are fully online and are three credit hours each.

Program Details

Although it is preferred that B.S.D.H. applicants complete all eight prerequisite required courses prior to enrollment, program acceptance will be considered for students that have completed 50% of the remaining pre-requisite courses. Students are strongly encouraged to take no more than two Dental Hygiene courses with one prerequisite course per semester until they have completed all remaining prerequisite classes. This will provide a smoother route to completion of the GSU B.S.D.H. program. Please contact the B.S.D.H. Director to further discuss any questions or concerns you may have.

For admission from Perimeter College to the Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene career pathway, the following minimum admission requirements must be satisfied:

  1. Completion of the Dental Hygiene program at Perimeter College and eligibility for the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination (NBDHE) to become a registered dental hygienist (RDH).
  2. Successful completion of at least 50% of all remaining core general education requirements. Perimeter College RDH graduates must complete their remaining prerequisites at Perimeter College versus completing prerequisites at Georgia State. (See "Additional Information" tab for core courses.)
  3. An unrestricted current dental hygiene license in the United States or eligibility for licensure.
  4. College grade point average (GPA) of 2.50 or higher on a 4.00 scale.
  5. Personal Statement, 1-2 pages, but no more than 2 pages, double spaced in 12-point font, discussing how the student’s academic background and life experiences will contribute to success in the Dental Hygiene profession beyond the associate’s level.
  6. A current resume of professional and volunteer experiences.

For applicants who are NOT graduates of Perimeter College with an associate degree in Dental Hygiene:

  1. Official transcripts from a CODA Dental Hygiene program with an associate degree in dental hygiene.
  2. A notarized copy of the successful passage of the RDH credentialing exam from the NBDHE or an unrestricted current dental hygiene license in the United States or eligibility for licensure.
  3. Successful completion of at least 50% of all remaining core general education requirements.
  4. College grade point average (GPA) of 2.50 or higher on a 4.00 scale.
  5. Personal Statement, 1-2 pages, but no more than 2 pages double spaced in 12-point font, discussing how the student’s academic background and life experiences will contribute to success in the DH profession beyond the associate’s level.
  6. A current resume of professional and volunteer experiences.
  7. Upon acceptance to both GSU and the Lewis College, an undergraduate advisor in the University Advisement Center (UAC) and the Lewis College Office of Academic Assistance will advise students to generate an individual program of study plan and adjust their major from Undeclared to a B.S.D.H

Area of Concentration – Dental Hygiene (30 hours)

The B.S in Dental Hygiene includes ten courses designed to provide necessary coursework to allow graduates to advance to more marketable positions in the profession. All courses are online and are three credit hours each.

  • CNHP 3000 Communication/Cultural Diversity
    The purpose of this course is to increase awareness of diverse cultures in the framework of intercultural communication skills. Students will enhance their knowledge of culture and assess its impact on intercultural communication. Topics related to culture and communication will be explored from a global perspective with a focus on cultural competency and service delivery to diverse groups. Global Perspectives Course. 3.000 Credit hours.
  • CNHP 3010 Advanced Medical Terminology
    This course presents a study of advanced medical terminology Prefixes, suffixes, word roots, combining forms, abbreviations, and symbols are included in the content. Emphasis is placed on spelling, definition, usage, and pronunciation. 3.000 Credit hours
  • CNHP 3500 Research Methods
    The goal of this course is to provide students with an overview of major research concepts as applied to the health professions. Emphasis will be on critical evaluation of empirical research. 3.00 Credit hours
  • CNHP 4010 Leadership and Ethics in Healthcare
    The course will describe and discuss major leadership philosophies and theories as well as ethical dilemmas. Through online and in-class discussions and activities, participants will explore these philosophies and theories to enhance their leadership potential. After this course, each participant will have identified a leadership style(s) to use and grow within the healthcare industry. 3.00 Credit hours
  • DHYG 3601 Oral Health and The Systemic Connection
    This course includes an in-depth research-based investigation focusing on disease prevention and health promotion related to the oral-systemic link. Prerequisite: Admission to the Dental Hygiene degree program. 3 credit hours
  • DHYG 3602 Alternative Health Care Environments for the Dental Hygienist
    This course includes the exploration of a variety of practice settings relevant to the evolving health care environment. Prerequisite: Admission to the Dental Hygiene degree program. 3 credit hours
  • DHYG 3603 Oral Health Program Development within the Interdisciplinary Setting
    This course provides the foundational principles of program development for the dental hygienist as an integral member of the health team. Prerequisite: Admission to the Dental Hygiene degree program 3 credit hours
  • DHYG 4704 Current Concepts in Dental Hygiene Education
    This course provides curriculum design and teaching methodology for the transformation of the dental profession. Prerequisite: Admission to the Dental Hygiene degree program. 3 credit hours
  • DHYG 4705 Interprofessional Education for the Dental Hygienist Capstone
    This course provides opportunities for an independent study on a topic selected by the student under the direction of a faculty member. Prerequisite: Current Concepts in Dental Hygiene Education, or Oral Health Program Development within the Interdisciplinary Setting. 3 credit hours
  • DHYG 4706 Integration of Risk Assessment and Preventive Intervention in Dental Hygiene Practice
    This course evaluates the advancements in chairside diagnostics in identifying factors that affect oral and overall health. Prerequisite: Admission to the Dental Hygiene degree program. 3 credit hours

For up-to-date curriculum requirements, please visit the catalog.

The goal of the Bachelor of Science Dental Hygiene completion degree will provide students with an opportunity to gain foundational, contextual and interactional competencies in dental hygiene that will support their future goals of engaging in the dental hygiene profession at an advanced level. This includes expertise in foundational knowledge, the integration of science and therapy, evidenced-based practice and advocacy, leadership and cultural competencies. 

Learning Outcomes:

  1.  Dental Hygiene Foundational Knowledge - Students will be able to discuss the current and emerging trends in dental hygiene practice, particularly as it relates to the welfare of patients, the advanced role of the dental hygienist, and models of practice that meet workforce development needs.
  2. Integration of Dental Hygiene Science and Therapy - Students will participate in interdisciplinary teams and successfully contribute using critical thinking skills for the integration of dental science and therapy.
  3. Dental Hygiene Evidence-Based Practice - Students will integrate evidenced-based practice to produce positive patient outcomes.
  4. Competency in Advocacy, Leadership and Vulnerable Populations - Students will understand ethical and legal principles and their application through advocacy, leadership and cultural competency in the dental sciences industry.

Core Curriculum (required)

The core curriculum contains 42 hours of coursework arranged in five Areas (Core Curriculum, Areas A – E), and 18 hours in students’ field of study (Area F) for a total of 60 credit hours. Graduates of associate degree dental hygiene programs typically have 8*** remaining prerequisite courses to be completed for the BS in Dental Hygiene:

  • ENGL 1102 (3) – English Composition II
  • MATH 1401 (3) – Elementary Statistics, MATH 1113 (3) Precalculus, or higher MATH course
  • Institutional Option course – Choose 1
    • PHIL 1010 (2) – Critical Thinking
    • PERS 2001 (2) – Perspectives on Comparative Culture
    • PERS 2002 (2) – Scientific Perspectives on Global Problems
    • PERS 2003 (2) – Perspectives on Human Expression
  • PHIL 2030 (3) – Intro to Ethics
  • 1 Humanities course (3) – Any Fine Arts or World Language course
  • CNHP 2010 (3) – Intro to Medical Terminology
  • CHEM 1152K (4) – Survey of Chemistry with Lab
  • Global Perspectives – Choose 1
    • POLS 2401 (3) - Global Issues
    • ECON 2100 (3) - Global Economics
    • HIST 1111 (3) - Survey of World History to 1500 or HIST 1112 (3) - Survey of World History since 1500

***could be more prerequisites depending on transfer evaluation 



Earning a B.S. in dental hygiene opens additional job opportunities for hygienists beyond direct patient care in a dental office. With a bachelor’s degree, graduates may manage a dental practice or a public health clinic. They may become more in demand in private dental clinics or teach dental hygiene in a technical college. The degree is also a stepping stone for those interested in research or teaching at the college or university level. These dental hygienists will need a graduate degree, and a bachelor’s degree is required before advancing.


Admissions and Curriculum Inquiries

Mailing Address
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 3995
Atlanta, GA 30302-3995

Lewis College Logo140 Decatur Street SE
Atlanta, GA 30303

The information shared here provides an overview of Georgia State’s offerings. For official details on admissions requirements, tuition, courses and more, refer to the university catalogs.