Seung Hee Lee
Adjunct Assistant Professor Nutrition- Education
Ph.D. International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD
M.S. Nutritional Science, Ewha Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea
B.S. Food and Nutrition (Minor: Professional English), Ewha Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea
- Biography
Clinical Expertise
Registered Dietitian in Korea, April 2006Research Interests
Obesity Epidemiology
Community NutritionSelected Publications
- Lee-Kwan S, Park S, Maynard LM, Blanck HM, McGuire L Collins J. Parental characteristics and reasons associated with purchasing kids’ meals for their children, 2014. Am J Health Promot. In press.
- Lee-Kwan S, Pan L, Kimmons J, Foltz J, Park S. The relationship between sugar-sweetened beverage intake during the workday and support for worksite wellness strategies among employed US adults. Am J Health Promot. Epub ahead of print.
- Lee-Kwan S, Pan L, Maynard LM, McGuire L, Park S. Factors associated with self-reported menu labeling usage among US adults. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2016;116(7):1127-35.
- Lee-Kwan S, Kumar G, Ayscue P, Santos M, McGuire L, Blanck HM, Nua MT. Healthful food availability, pricing, and promotion in stores and restaurants in American Samoa, 2014 MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015;64(10):276-278.
- Lee-Kwan S, Yong R, Bleich SN, Park JH, Kwan N, Gittelsohn J. Carry-out intervention exposure is associated with purchasing behavior of healthy food items in low-income urban setting. J Hunger Environ Nutr. 2015;10(4):456-466.
- Lee-Kwan S, Pan L, Maynard LM, Kumar G, Park S. Restaurant menu-labeling use among adults – 17 States, 2012. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2014;63(27):581-4.
- Lee-Kwan S, Bleich SN, Kim H, Colantunoni E, Gittelsohn J. Environmental intervention in carryout restaurants increases sales of healthy menu items in a low-income urban setting. Am J Health Promot. Epub ahead of print.
- Lee-Kwan S, Goedkoop S, Yong R, Batorsky B, Hoffman V, Jeffries J, Kim H, Gittelsohn J. Improving Prepared Food Sources in a Low-income Urban Setting: Lessons Learned from the Baltimore Healthy Carry-outs Study. BMC Public Health 2013; 13:638.
- Gittelsohn J, Lee-Kwan S, Batorsky B. A Systematic Review of Community-Based Prepared Food Source Interventions. Prev Chronic Dis 2013; 10:E180.
Selected Presentations
- Lee-Kwan S, Park S, Pan L, Kumar G, Maynard LM, Blanck HM. (2015). Prevalence of menu-labeling usage among adults in 17 States– Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2012. The American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, October 31 –November 4, 2015.
- Lee-Kwan S, Kumar G, McGuire L, Blanck HM, Nua MT. (2015) Healthful food availability, pricing, and promotion in stores and restaurants in American Samoa, 2014. The 64th Annual Epidemic Intelligence Service Conference, Atlanta, GA, April 20- 23, 2015. Oral.
- Lee-Kwan S, DeLuca N, Bunnell R, Knust B, Anderson A, Mansaray Y. (2015) Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices related to burial practices and Ebola response in Bo District, Sierra Leone, 2014. The 64th Annual Epidemic Intelligence Service Conference, Atlanta, GA, April 20- 23, 2015. Oral.
- Lee-Kwan S, Pan L, Kumar G, Maynard LM, Park S. (2015). Employed US adults’ support for food and beverage worksite wellness strategies and sugar-sweetened beverage intake during the workday. The Experimental Biology Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, March 28 – April 1, 2015. Poster.
- Lee-Kwan S, Park S, McGuire LC, Blanck HM, Maynard LM. Parents’ purchases of kids’ meals for children. The Experimental Biology Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, March 28 – April 1, 2015. Poster.
- Lee-Kwan S, Pan L, Maynard LM, Park S. (2014). Factors associated with menu-labeling usage among adults in 18 states – Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2012. The US-Korea Conference, San Francisco, CA, August 6–9, 2014. Oral
- Lee-Kwan S, Pan L, Kumar G, Maynard LM, Park S. (2014). Menu labeling legislation is associated with menu labeling usage among adults– Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System – 18 States, 2012. The Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, June 24–27, 2014. Poster.
Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Alumni Association
American Society of NutritionAwards and Honors
2015 1st Place, Emerging Leaders in Nutrition Science Poster Competition American Society of Nutrition, Bethesda, MD 2013 Abell Award in Urban Policy, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD