Graduate Degrees
Health Informatics
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Health Informatics
Graduate Certificate in Health Leadership
Master of Science in Health Sciences
Health Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Science
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Doctor of Philosophy
Online Master of Science in Health Sciences
Master of Science in Health Sciences Coordinated Program
Doctor of Philosophy in chemistry with a concentration in nutrition
Occupational Therapy
Doctor of Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Doctor of Philosophy in Kinesiology with a concentration in rehabilitation science
Respiratory Therapy
Master of Science in Health Sciences
Special Status
The Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing accepts non-degree students based on course availability. Persons wanting to apply as a non-degree student for the purpose of taking a graduate nursing course should contact Brianna Reid in the Office of Academic Assistance prior to submitting an application. She may be reached at 404-413-1005.
Application deadlines are sometimes extended provided there is space available. Contact the Office of Academic Assistance 404-413-1000 or [email protected]) for information.
The following forms (pdf format) are to be submitted to the Office of Academic Assistance (address below).
Additional application materials to be submitted. The college uses a self-managed application for admission to its graduate programs submit them at one time to the Office of Academic Assistance via email [email protected] unless otherwise noted.
A self-managed application requires appropriate planning on your part to allow time for you to prepare the applications properly and collect all of your transcript and other materials. This process, however, also gives you control over when your application is complete. It eliminates the need for concern over lost or misdirected applications and transcripts.
Do not submit an incomplete application packet. Incomplete packets will not be considered for admission.
We strongly suggest that you maintain your own records by keeping a copy of your application and ordering duplicate copies of transcript and recommendation letters.
- $50 application fee. You may submit non-refundable payment.
– Select SNHP manual application fee and reentry application - Non-degree status is granted on an individual basis in the graduate nursing programs. Applicants must possess a bachelor of science degree with a major in nursing to be eligible to take master’s courses. Applicants must have a GPA of 2.75 or greater to take master’s-level nursing courses. Applicants wishing to take a doctoral course must have a master’s degree. Instructor permission is required for course enrollment. Admission to non-degree status does not warrant or secure admission to the degree program. Students with non-degree status may take up to a maximum of nine credit hours of graduate core coursework without admission to the nursing program.
The following items are needed but not included with your application that you email to the Office of Academic Assistance.
- Two transcripts from the institution granting your baccalaureate degree. If you have a master’s degree or higher, you may submit these transcripts instead of your baccalaureate degree transcripts. If your degree is from Georgia State, you do not need to submit transcripts. You will need to submit your transcripts here:
Mailing Address (U.S. Postal Service) Office of Admissions - Graduate Programs |
Delivery Address (FedEx, DHL, UPS) Office of Graduate Admissions |
Submission of Electronic Transcripts: Electronic transcripts must be submitted directly from the institution by email or through the use of a transcript ordering site: Email: [email protected] |
- Certificate of Immunization. This is required for accepted applicants who have never attended Georgia State. If admitted, you must submit this form to Georgia State Health Services (address on form) prior to registration.
- Official TOEFL score (for applicants whose native language is not English). If available, include a copy of your TOEFL score in your application packet.
- International credential evaluation (for applicants who have completed any education outside the U.S.). See International Applicants
If you have questions, contact us at 404-413-1000 or [email protected]
Transient Status
Application/Credential Deadlines
Fall: July 15
Spring: December 1
Summer: May 1
Transient status admission is for one semester only. If you wish to enroll for a subsequent semester, you must file a reentry application with the Office of the Registrar.
Application deadlines are sometimes extended provided there is space available. Contact the Office of Academic Assistance (404-413-1000 or [email protected]) for information.
The following forms (pdf format) are to be submitted to the Office of Academic Assistance (address below).
Additional application materials to be submitted.The college uses a self-managed application for admission to its graduate programs. It is your responsibility to prepare or collect all credentials other than official test scores and submit them at one time to the Office of Academic Assistance.
A self-managed application requires appropriate planning on your part to allow time for you to prepare the applications properly and collect all of your transcript and recommendations. This process, however, also gives you control over when your application is complete. It eliminates the need for concern over lost or misdirected applications, transcripts or recommendations.
Do not submit an incomplete application packet. Incomplete packets will not be considered for admission.
We strongly suggest that you maintain your own records by keeping a copy of your application and ordering duplicate copies of transcripts and recommendation letters.
- $50 application fee. You may submit non-refundable payment
– Select SNHP manual application fee and reentry application - Transient Letter. This letter, from your home institution, must state you are in good academic standing and that you have permission to attend Georgia State. It should also contain a listing of the courses you plan to take.
- Residency Form. This form is required to determine if you are an in-state or out-of-state student for tuition purposes. Attach it to your application.
The following items are needed but not included in the packet you mail to the Office of Academic Assistance.
- Certificate of Immunization. This is required for accepted applicants who have never attended Georgia State University. If admitted, you must submit this form to Georgia State Health Services (address on form)
Mailing Address:
Office of Academic Assistance
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 3995
Atlanta, GA 30302-3995
Overnight Courier- UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc:
Office of Academic Assistance
Georgia State University
140 Decatur Street, Suite 811
Atlanta, GA 30303
If you have questions, contact us at 404-413-1000 or [email protected]
International Applicants
Applicants with International Credentials
Applicants who have completed all or part of their education outside the United States are required to have their foreign credentials evaluated by an independent evaluation service. It is recommended that you use Josef Silny & Associates, Inc. We will also accept evaluations of foreign credentials from Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc., and World Education Services.
Allow sufficient time to have your credentials assessed to assure the evaluating service has enough time to send their evaluation to the Office of Academic Assistance by the application deadline. On average, it takes four weeks from the time the evaluation agency receives your materials until we receive the evaluation.
Program | Type of Evaluation Required |
Nursing, Master of Science and Graduate Certificate | Grade Point Average Equivalent and Course-by-Course |
Nursing, Doctor of Philosophy | Grade Point Average Equivalent and Document-by Document |
Nutrition | Grade Point Average Equivalent and Course-by-Course |
Physical Therapy | Grade Point Average Equivalent and Course-by-Course |
Respiratory Care | Grade Point Average Equivalent and Document-by-Document |
International Transcripts
Applicants with credentials from international schools are required to submit transcripts by the appropriate deadline to the Office of Admissions – Graduate Programs. These transcripts must be official copies and are in addition to the transcripts submitted to the independent evaluation service. If you use Josef Silny & Associates as the independent evaluation service, you will not need to provide transcripts.
Verification of Financial Support
Applicants who plan to attend Georgia State on an F-1 or J-1 visa must submit a financial statement showing the financial support necessary for the cost associated with the first year of study. Complete the Foreign Student Financial Statement.
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
Applicants whose native language is not English must submit scores (not more than two years old) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Official scores must be reported from the Educational Testing Service prior to the application deadline. It is recommended that you send a photocopy of your test score with your application materials. The TOEFL is not required of international applicants who have received a degree from an accredited U.S. institution. TOEFL information can be found at http://www.toefl.org/.
For additional information pertaining to international applicants and students at Georgia State, refer to the Office of International Student and Scholar Services on the Georgia State website at www.gsu.edu/isss.
Contact Us
Mailing Address
Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions
P.O. Box 3995
Atlanta, GA 30302-3995
Academic Assistance
Office Hours
8:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.
811 Urban Life Building