- Where are you from?
Carrollton, GA - What do you like to do outside of school? What are you passionate about in life? - tell us about yourself!
I love to run long distances, hike, travel, host dinner parties, and drink good coffee! Current Netflix show is Suits, current podcast is Crime Junkie, and current music obsession is Judah and the Lion. - Why did you choose to study nutrition? Was there a specific person, experience, or event that sparked your interest?
A culmination of life experiences led me to make the decision to study nutrition. I’ve experienced the harmful effects of too little/inaccurate nutrition knowledge, as well as the physical and mental healing that good nutrition brings, and I’ve experienced the benefits of performance nutrition as an athlete. I’ve also seen the life-changing impact a dietitian can have on someone’s life. For me, it’s important to be in a career field that can bring significant value and positively impact someone’s life. - What made you choose the Coordinated Program in Nutrition program at GSU?
I don’t have an undergraduate degree in nutrition, and GSU’s program paves a way for non-DPD students to become RDs. I also admired the variety of rotations and experiences that this program offers. - What is your favorite thing about the Coordinated Program?
The opportunity to experience multiple areas of dietetics – My favorite so far has been my rotation at Veritas Collaborative Eating Disorder Treatment Center! - Did you have any assistantships while you were in the program that helped offset the cost of tuition? If so, tell us a bit about what you did for these assistantships.
Yes, I was a GA for Student Nutrition Services my first year of the program. My area of focus was GSU Dining. I operated GSU Dining social media, did tabling events in the dining halls, and helped with allergy labeling. - Where do you see yourself after graduation? What type of career would you like to have?
This is the million dollar question! I’m not entirely sure, but I’m open to most opportunities. Ideally, I would like to settle into a career working with kids/adolescents - Whether that be specifically clinical pediatrics, eating disorders, or sports. - If you could give advice to someone considering studying nutrition, what would you tell them?
Do it! The world needs more dietitians 😊 This career is a good blend of counseling, community involvement, and clinical.