Lauren Newhouse, an undergraduate nursing student, has been named the 2021-2022 Breakthrough to Nursing Director for the National Student Nurses' Association (NSNA). Newhouse represents Georgia State in the National Student Nurses Association and will work to increase recruitment and retention of underrepresented diverse groups within the nursing profession by promoting career opportunities in nursing and aiding nursing education.
Specifically, Newhouse will build relationships between nursing students and minority K-12 students who may be interested in a nursing career.
“As the director, I am working to increase opportunity and outreach to underrepresented communities like non-traditional students, those in rural settings, and diverse backgrounds,” said Newhouse. “We want to inspire those who think the profession of nursing seems out of reach due to obstacle or adversity and help them to pursue their passion.”
Dr. Jessica Marcus and Dr. Michelle Nelson encouraged Newhouse to apply for the position. Dr. Marcus knew her from both the classroom and from advising the Georgia State nursing student organization, in which Newhouse was the Breakthrough to Nursing chair locally. Dr. Nelson helped Newhouse polish her resume for the application.
“Lauren is a strong student with a great classroom presence and good teamwork skills,” Dr. Marcus said. She added that Newhouse enthusiastically went after the position, putting in the extra effort required for the rigorous application process.
Newhouse is a traditional track, rising senior in nursing and a research student assistant at the Georgia Health Policy Center in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies.